    Face Essential

    Face Essential

    Preparation, cleansing and exfoliating prior to all treatments

    Product Description


    Nourishing Cleansing Milk

    Creamy light cleansing milk that gently caresses the skin while removing all traces of make-up, dust and impurities.
    质感轻盈洁⾯乳,温和呵护肌肤,同时去除所有化妆 品,灰尘和杂质。
    Performance 性能
    Special formula that combines the purifying action of Pomegranate and Cucumber with the emollient action of Allantoin, Aloe Vera, Olive extract and Shea Butter. Skin stays soft and hydrated and, thanks to thorough cleansing, rediscovers splendor and radiance.
    特殊配⽅,结合⽯榴和黄瓜的净化作⽤与尿囊素,芦 荟,橄榄萃取和乳⽊果油的润肤作⽤。 ⽪肤保持柔软 和⽔润,并通过彻底的清洁,⽩皙亮丽。
    Active ingredients 活性成分
    Cucumber, Pomegranate, Aloe Vera , Allantoin, Olive Extract
      Nourishing Cleansing Milk
    Refreshing Tonic Lotion  

    Refreshing Tonic Lotion

    Toning lotion that instantly restores the skin's natural balance, refreshing and brightening it.
    Performance 性能
    It combines the purifying action of Pomegranate and Cucumber with the hydrating, soothing action of Aloe Vera, Witch hazel and Chamomile. Ideal for all skin types to perfectly complete the cleaning action of the cleansing milk.
    结合了⽯榴和黄瓜的净化作⽤,芦荟,⾦缕梅和洋⽢ 菊的保湿,舒缓作⽤。 适合所有⽪肤类型,完美地完 成洁⾯乳的清洁作⽤。
    Active ingredients 活性成分
    SMC (Special Moisturizing Complex 特殊保湿复合), Cucumber, Pomegranate, Aloe Vera , Witch hazel, Chamomile

    Delicate Sugar Scrub

    Especially gentle face scrub that, thanks to it’s unique formula, eliminates the dead cells layered on the outermost part of the skin.
    特别温和的⾯部磨砂,其独特的配⽅,消除⽪肤最外 层的死细胞。
    Performance 性能
    Combines the exfoliating action of biodegradable microgranules and the purifying, refreshing action of Pomegranate and Cucumber extracts. It leaves skin perfectly cleansed, smooth, soft and radiant.
    结合可⽣物降解微粒的去⾓质作⽤和⽯榴和黄瓜萃取 的净化,清新作⽤。 它使⽪肤完全洁净,光滑,柔 软,容光焕发。
    Active ingredients 活性成分
    Cucumber,Pomegranate,Biodegradable microgranules
      Delicate Sugar Scrub
    Cosmetic Enzyme Peeling Gel  

    Cosmetic Enzyme Peeling Gel

    Enzymatic peeling in a gel texture that softly, yet deeply, eliminates impurities and prepares the skin for all following treatments.
    酵素去⾓质,柔软⽽深入,消除杂质,为后续治疗做好准 备。
    Performance 性能
    Combines the soothing, cooling action of aloe with papain for a keratolytic action to stimulate cell turnover. Apply with a brush and leave in pose from 5 to 10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly and completely with single use gloves or, when used at home, simply rinse completely with water.
    结合芦荟和⽊瓜酵素的舒缓,冷却作⽤,促进⾓质溶解作 ⽤,刺激细胞更新。 ⽤刷⼦涂抹并保持5⾄10分钟的姿 势,然后⽤⼀次性⼿套彻底冲洗,或在家中使⽤时,只需 ⽤⽔彻底冲洗即可。
    Active ingredients 活性成分
    Papain,Aloe,Myrtle extract 桃⾦娘萃取,Panthenol 泛醇

    Special Cleansing Kit

    A specially priced one shot packaging for the relaunch of the TEN Science Face Essentials cleansing range.
    The self-care sizes of Nourishing Cleansing Milk and Refreshing Tonic Lotion combined in one unique packaging. Complete, daily cleansing at a special price when you buy the 2 products together.
    Active ingredients
    • Cucumber, Pomegranate, Aloe Vera, Allantoin, Olive Extract, Shea Butter
    • SMC (Special Moisturizing Complex), Cucumber, Pomegranate, Aloe Vera, Witch hazel, Chamomile
      Special Cleansing Kit

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    具有多重矫正作用的逆龄系列: 焕新、丰盈、填充、抚平岁痕。
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