    Hydra Magnetic

    Hydra Magnetic

    Magnetic moisturizing action to nourish and hydrate skin

    Product Description


    2 In 1 Moisturing Serum Mask

    2 in 1 serum mask with an «effervescent» effect


    The Product 产品
    serum in gel that transforms into a light mousse mask with a «sparkling» effect.
    Action 效果
    works as both a serum and a mask for deep moisturizing with a “sparkling” effect on the skin.
    Active ingredients 主要成分
    Magnetic Complex, Clever Moist Complex, Magnetized Water, Panthenol
      2 In 1 Moisturing Serum Mask
    Professional Intense Moisturizing Cream  

    Professional Intense Moisturizing Cream

    The Product 产品
    soft and full bodied intense hydration cream
    Action 效果
    Gives the skin a firm and immediate moisturizing action that is prolonged over time.
    Active ingredients 主要成分
    Magnetic Complex, Clever Moist Complex, Magnetized Water, Panthenol, Hyaluronic Acid
    磁性复合物, 磁化⽔, 泛醇, 透明酸质

    Magnetic Milk-In-Oil Moisturizing Fluid

    The Product 产品
    A pleasure for the skin “to drink” enclosed in a special milky oil texture. Rapidly absorbed and won’t leave skin greasy.
    ⽤特殊乳状油质感让⽪肤“饮⽤”。 迅速吸收,不会让⽪肤油腻。
    Action 效果
    The skin is immediately smooth and rich with moisture.
    Active ingredients 主要成分
    Magnetic Complex, Clever Moist Complex,Magnetized Water, Panthenol, Hyaluronic Acid
    磁性复合物, 磁化⽔, 泛醇, 透明酸质
    How to use 如何使⽤
    perfect on it’s own for normal or mixed skin types during the day or in the warmer seasons. Ideal when combined with Magnetic Delicious Cream for dry skin or colder seasons.
    在⽩天或温暖的季节,对于正常或混合的⽪肤类型来说是完美的。 与 Magnetic Delicious 配合使⽤,适合⼲性⽪肤或较冷的季节。
      Magnetic Milk-In-Oil Moisturizing Fluid
    Moisturizing Eye Contour Cream With Decongestant Effect  

    Moisturizing Eye Contour Cream With Decongestant Effect

    The Product 产品
    Moisturizing cream with specific actions for the eye contour.
    Action 效果
    Effective at reducing puffy eyes, thanks to caffeine extract and to the special applicator with cooling metal microspheres; bright and radiant gaze thanks to delicate coloured pigments contained in the formula.
    由于咖啡因萃取和冷却⾦属微球的特殊涂抹器,有效减少浮肿的眼睛; 由于配⽅中含有精致的有⾊颜料,使眼部明亮,容光焕发
    Active ingredients 主要成分
    • Magnetic Complex 磁性复合物
    • Clever Moist Complex
    • Magnetized Water 磁化⽔
    • Caffeine extract 咖啡因萃取: effective against bags and swelling 有效对抗眼袋和浮肿
    • Menthyl lactate 乳酸薄荷酯: refreshing 清爽
    • Ginseng ⼈参: energizing 活⼒
    How to use 如何使⽤
    Apply on the eye contour with circular movements using the specific massaging applicator. For a further cooling action you can keep the product in the refrigerator
    使⽤特定按摩涂抹器以圆周运动涂抹在眼部轮廓上。 为了进⼀步冷却,也可以将产品保存在冰箱中。

    Rich Magnetic Moisturizing Cream

    The Product 产品
    a soft and full bodied texture for skin that is smooth and quenched.
    Action 效果
    An immediate hydrating and nourishing action that extends over time.
    Active ingredients 主要成分
    Magnetic Complex, Clever Moist Complex,Magnetized Water, Panthenol, Aloe Vera
    磁性复合物, 磁化⽔, 泛醇, 芦荟
    How to use 如何使⽤
    Ideal on it’s own for normal or dry skin or at night only for mixed skin. Perfect for very dry skin in cold seasons when combined with the Magnetic Milky Oil.
    理想的正常或⼲燥的⽪肤或仅在混合性⽪肤晚霜。 与Magnetic Milky Oil混合,适合在寒冷季节使⽤于非常⼲燥的⽪肤。
      Rich Magnetic Moisturizing Cream
    Deep Htdro Nourishing Mask Kit  

    Deep Htdro Nourishing Mask Kit

    The Product 产品
    Professional mask kit composed of 专业⾯膜组合:
    • Lipid Cream Mask, rich creamy mask 富脂⾯膜
    • Nature Tissue Mask, 100% natural cellulose mask 100%天然纤维素⾯膜
    Action 效果
    Immediate and long lasting hydro-nourishing action. The Lipid Cream Mask, hydro nourishing, is combined with the Nature Tissue Mask, to give the skin a firming effect while the insulating effect encourages an improved bio-availability of the moisturizing, nourishing actives.
    立即和持久性的⽔分滋养作⽤。 这款滋润⾯膜采⽤⽔润滋养,与天然纸⾯膜相结合,赋予肌肤紧致效果,同时保湿效果可提升保湿滋养活性成分的⽣物利⽤。
    Active ingredients 主要成分
    Magnetic Complex, Clever Moist Complex, Magnetized Water, Panthenol
    磁性复合物, 磁化⽔, 泛醇

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